Schools Events - Apply to host an event!


We are changing the way we run our expression of interest for hosting Schools Cycling events, there will no longer be a closing date for applications, instead we want to hear from you and your club if you have an interest in being considered to be an event host. We reserve the right to work with those who enquire/apply to select the best hosts for Schools Cycling events in the future, and to appoint across multi years.

Part of this change will allow us to plan further into the future so we can confirm the host and location for future events earlier, to help provide some certainty for your planning.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email 

Don't forget Cycling New Zealand are also look for event hosts, click here to see what events they need hosts for.


Future Schools Cycling Events:

Event Name 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
North Island School MTB Championships To be announced shortly! Apply now!        
South Island School MTB Championships To be announced shortly! Apply now!         
National School MTB Championships To be announced shortly! Apply now!         
North Island School CX Championships To be announced shortly!   Apply now!       
South Island School CX Championships To be announced shortly! Apply now!